Sièges à usage occasionnel

Lancée en mai 2018 pour remplacer la version précédente, ANSI/BIFMA X6.4 Occasional Use Seating est la norme la plus récente sur les essais de sièges dans des espaces intérieurs tels que les zones d’attente, de réception ou de rassemblement. Cependant, cette norme ne couvre pas les chaises de bureau (BIFMA X5.1 ou BIFMA X5.11) ni les sièges utilisés dans les espaces publics à haute utilisation (BIFMA X5.4). Micom offre les essais BIFMA X6.4 dans le cadre de ses essais sur meubles de bureau.

BIFMA X6.4 est conçu pour une population dont la masse corporelle peut atteindre 275 lb, ce qui représente le 95e centile masculin. Les essais ont été développés avec une durée de vie de cinq ans en moyenne basée sur une utilisation continue en un seul quart de travail.

BIFMA X6.4 a 17 essais et couvre quatre styles de sièges qui s’appliquent aux configurations de sièges simples et multiples:

  • Style A: avec bras et dossier
  • Style B: avec bras et sans dossier
  • Style C: sans bras et avec dossier
  • Style D: sans bras et sans dossier

Tous les essais ne doivent pas être effectués sur tous les types de sièges. Le tableau ci-dessous indique quels essais doivent être effectués sur quel type de sièges tant que la fonctionnalité testée soit disponible et que l’essai soit possible:

Test # Test Description Single Seating Style Multiple Seating Style
5 Backrest Strength Test –  Horizontal –  Static X x X X
6 Backrest Strength Test  –  Vertical –  Static X X X X
7 Backrest Durability Test – Horizontal – Cyclic X X X X
8 Backrest Durability Test – Vertical – Cyclic X X X X
9 Arm Strength Test – Horizontal – Static X X X X
10 Arm Strength Test – Vertical – Static X X X X
11 Arm Durability Test – Horizontal – Cyclic X X
12 Arm Durability Test – Vertical – Cyclic X X
13 Arm Durability Test – Angular – Cyclic X X
14 Seating Durability Test – Cyclic X X X X X X X X
15 Drop Test – Dynamic X X X X X X X X
16 Leg Strength Test – Front and Side Application X X X X X X X X
17 Unit Drop Test – Dynamic X X X X X X X X
18 Caster/Unit Base Durability Test – Cyclic X X X X X X X X
19 Swivel Test – Cyclic X X X X
20 Tilt Mechanism Test – Cyclic X X X X X X
21 Stability Tests X X X X X X X X

BIFMA X6.4 comparable à BIFMA X5.1 et BIFMA X5.4 tableau de similarités et différences

BIFMA X6.4 est comparable à BIFMA X5.1 et BIFMA X5.4, et le tableau suivant peut démontrer les similarités et différences entre chaque norme.

ANSI/BIFMA X6.4-2018 ANSI/BIFMA X5.1-2017 ANSI/BIFMA X5.4-2012 Comparison Conclusion
1. Scope: Tests developed with an estimated 5 year product life based on a single shift use with a 275 lb individual 1. Scope: Tests developed with an estimated 10 year product life based on a single shift use with a 275 lb individual 1. Scope: Tests developed with an estimated 10 year product life based on a single shift use with a 253 lb individual X6.4 and X5.1 have the same user weights but X5.1 is developed for a longer product life. X5.4 has a slightly lower user weight
5. Backrest Strength Test Horizontal
Functional Load: 150 lbf, 1 minute
Proof Load: 225 lbf, 10 secs
6. Back strength test (Type III)
Functional Load: 150 lbf, 1 minute
Proof Load: 225 lbf, 1 minute
5. Backrest Strength Test Horizontal
Functional Load: 150 lbf, 1 minute
Proof Load: 225 lbf, 1 minute
Loads are all the same. X5.1 & X5.4 proof loads held for 1 min instead of 10 secons X5.1 & X5.4 cover X6.4
6. Backrest Strength Test Vertical
Functional Load: 200 lbf, 1 minute
Proof Load: 300 lbf, 10 secs
N/A 6. Backrest Strength Test Vertical
Functional Load: 200 lbf, 1 minute
Proof Load: 300 lbf, 1 minute
Loads are the same in X5.4 & X6.4. Proof load held for longer in X5.4. No such test in X5.1. X5.4 covers X6.4
7. Backrest Durability Test – Horizontal – Cyclic
Load on seat: 240 lbs
Horizontal force on the backrest: 75 lbf
# of cycles: 60,000
15. Backrest durability (Type II & III)
Load on the seat: 240 lbs
Horizontal force on the backrest: 75 lbf
# of cycles: 120,000
7. Backrest Durability Test – Horizontal – Cyclic
Load on seat: 225 lbs
Horizontal force on the backrest: 75 lbf
# of cycles: 120,000
X6.4 & X5.1 have the same load on seat, but X6.4 has half the cycles. Load on the seat of X5.4 is less than the others. X5.1 covers X5.4 & X6.4
8. Backrest Durability Test – Veritcal – Cyclic
Vertical force on the backrest: 200 lbf
# of cycles: 5,000
N/A 8. Backrest Durability Test – Veritcal – Cyclic
Vertical force on the backrest: 200 lbf
# of cycles: 10,000
Loads are the same in X5.4 & X6.4. Number of cycles higher in X5.4. No such test in X5.1. X5.4 covers X6.4
9. Arm Strength Test – Horizontal
Functional Load:
-Dist. Btwn armrests < 35 in: 100 lbf, 1 min
-Dist. Btwn armrests ≥ 35 in: 133 lbf, 1 min
Proof Load:
-Dist. Btwn armrests < 35 in: 150 lbf, 10 secs
-Dist. Btwn armrests ≥ 35 in: 200 lbf, 10 secs
13. Arm strength test – Horizontal
Functional Load: 100 lbf, 1 minute
Proof Load: 150 lbf, 1 minute
9. Arm Strength Test – Horizontal
Functional Load:
-Dist. Btwn armrests < 35 in: 100 lbf, 1 min
-Dist. Btwn armrests ≥ 35 in: 133 lbf, 1 min
Proof Load:
-Dist. Btwn armrests < 35 in: 150 lbf, 1 min
-Dist. Btwn armrests ≥ 35 in: 200 lbf, 1 min
Load changes based on distance between armrests in X5.4 & X6.4 but always the same or higher than 5.1. Proof load in X5.1 & X5.4 is held for 1 minute in lieu of 10 seconds in X6.4 X5.4 covers X5.1 & X6.4
10. Arm Strength Test – Vertical
Functional Load:
-Armrest width >3in: 200 lbf, 1 min
-Armrest width≤3 in: 169 lbf, 1 min
Proof Load:
-Armrest width >3in: 300 lbf, 10 secs
-Armrest width≤3 in: 253 lbf, 10 secs
12. Arm strength test – Vertical
Functional Load: 169 lbf, 1 minute
Proof Load: 253 lbf, 1 minute
10. Arm Strength Test – Vertical
Functional Load:
-Armrest width >3in: 200 lbf, 1 min
-Armrest width≤3 in: 169 lbf, 1 min
Proof Load:
-Armrest width >3in: 300 lbf, 1 min
-Armrest width≤3 in: 253 lbf, 1 min
Load changes based on armrest width in X5.4 & X6.4 but always the same or higher than 5.1. Proof load in X5.1 & X5.4 is held for 1 minute in lieu of 10 seconds in X6.4 X5.4 covers X5.1 & X6.4
ANSI/BIFMA X6.4-2018 ANSI/BIFMA X5.1-2017 ANSI/BIFMA X5.4-2012 Comparison Conclusion
11. Arm Durability Test for Multiple Seat Units – Horizontal – Cyclic
Load applied:100 lbf
# of cycles: 25,000
N/A 11. Arm Durability Test for Multiple Seat Units – Horizontal – Cyclic
Load applied:100 lbf
# of cycles: 50,000
Loads are the same in X5.4 & X6.4. Number of cycles higher in X5.4. No such test in X5.1. X5.4 covers X6.4
12. Arm Durability Test for Multiple Seat Units – Vertical – Cyclic
Load applied:150 lbf
# of cycles: 5,000
N/A 12. Arm Durability Test for Multiple Seat Units – Vertical – Cyclic
Load applied:150 lbf
# of cycles: 10,000
Loads are the same in X5.4 & X6.4. Number of cycles higher in X5.4. No such test in X5.1. X5.4 covers X6.4
13. Arm durability test – Angular – Cyclic
Load applied: 90 lbf per arm
# of cycles: 30,000
20. Arm durability test – Cyclic
Load applied: 90 lbf per arm
# of cycles: 60,000
13. Arm durability test – Angular – Cyclic
Load applied: 90 lbf per arm
# of cycles: 60,000
Loads are all the same. Number of cycles higher in X5.1 & X5.4. X5.1 & X5.4 cover X6.4
14. Seating Durability Tests – Cyclic
Bag: 16″ Diameter
Drop height: 1.4″
Bag Weight: 125 lbs; 240 lbs on other seats
# of cycles: 50,000 cycles
10.3. Seating impact test
Bag Diameter: 16″
Drop height: 1.4″
Bag Weight: 125 lbs
# of cycles: 100,000
14. Seating Durability Tests – Cyclic
Bag: 16″ Diameter
Drop height: 1.2″
Bag Weight: 125 lbs; 225 lbs on other seats
# of cycles: 100,000
All tests different X5.1 covers X5.4 & X6.4 for single-seat units.
15. Drop Test – Dynamic
Bag: 16″ diameter
Drop height: 6″
Functional Load: 225 lbs
Proof Load: 300 lbs
Load on other seats: 240 lbs
7. Drop test
Bag: 16″ diameter
Drop Height: 6″
Functional Load: 225 lbs
Proof Load: 300 lbs
15. Drop Test – Dynamic
Bag: 16″ diameter
Drop height: 6″
Functional Load: 225 lbs
Proof Load: 300 lbs
Load on other seats: 225 lbs
Load on other seats lower in X5.4 than X6.4. X5.1 covers X5.4 & X6.4 for single-seat units. X6.4 covers X5.4 for mulitple seat units.
16. Leg Strength Test – Front and Side Application
Functional Load: 75 lbf, 1 minute
Proof Load: 113 lbf, 10 secs
17. Leg strength test – Front and Side Application
Functional Load: 75 lbf, 1 minute
Proof Load: 113 lbf, 1 minute
16. Leg Strength Test – Front and Side Application
Functional Load: 75 lbf, 1 minute
Proof Load: 113 lbf, 1 minute
Loads are all the same. However, the Proof Load is maintained for 10 seconds in X6.4 as compared to 60 seconds in X5.1 & X5.4 X5.1 & X5.4 cover X6.4
17. Unit Drop Test
Drop height based on unit weight
N/A 17. Unit Drop Test
Drop height based on unit weight
Same test in X6.4 & X5.4. No such test in X5.1 X5.4 covers X6.4
18. Caster/Unit Base Durability Test – Cyclic
Load on seat: 270 lbs
# of cycles: 12.750 total
16. Caster/chair base durability test
Load on the seat: 270 lbs
# of cycles: 100,000 total
18. Caster/Unit Base Durability Test – Cyclic
Load on seat: 250 lbs
# of cycles: 25,500 total
Loads are the same for X5.1 and X6.4. However, the number of cycles lower in X6.4. X5.4 has different loads and cycle counts. X5.1 covers X5.4 & X6.4


ANSI/BIFMA X6.4-2018 ANSI/BIFMA X5.1-2017 ANSI/BIFMA X5.4-2012 Comparison Conclusion
19. Swivel Test – Cyclic
Load on the Seat: 270 lbs
# of cycles: 60,000
8. Swivel cycling test
Load on the Seat: 270 lbs
# of cycles: 120,000
19. Swivel Test – Cyclic
Load on the Seat: 250 lbs
# of cycles: 120,000
Same load in X5.1 and X6.4, however # of cycles lower in X6.4. Load lower in X5.4. X5.1 covers X5.4 & X6.4
20. Tilt Rocker/Glider Mechanism test – Cyclic
Load on the Seat: 240 lbs
#of cycles: 100,000
9. Tilt mechanism test
Load on the Seat: 240 lbs
# of cycles: 300,000 cycles
20. Tilt mechanism test – Cyclic
Load on the Seat: 225 lbs
#of cycles: 200,000
Same load in X5.1 and X6.4, however # of cycles lower in X6.4. Load lower in X5.4. X5.1 covers X5.4 & X6.4
21.3 Rear Stability for Non-tilting Units
6 disks on the seat, horizontal force=1.1*(47-H)
11.3.1 Rear Stability test for type III chairs
6 Disks on the seat, horizontal force = 1.1 (47-H)
21.3 Rear Stability for Non-tilting Units
6 disks on the seat, horizontal force=1.1*(47-H)
Same test in all 3 standards. X5.1 & X5.4 cover X6.4.
21.4 Rear Stability for Tilting Units
13 disks on seat
11.3.2 Rear Stability test for type I & II chairs
13 Disks on the seat
21.4 Rear Stability for Tilting Units
13 disks on seat
Same test in all 3 standards. X5.1 & X5.4 cover X6.4.
21.5 Front Stability
40% of unit weight applied at 45°
11.4. Front Stability
135 lbf vertical load on the seat
21.5 Front Stability
40% of unit weight applied at 45°
Same test for X5.4 and X6.4. X5.1 is a different test. X5.4 covers X6.4

Note: At the time of publishing this web page, a draft of BIFMA X5.4 was released for association review and comments. One of the changes proposed was to increase the weight of the user to 275 lbs to be in line with BIFMA X5.1 and X6.4. In addition, the areas where this weight difference has caused less load to be applied (example: load applied on the other seats in test #14) will be increased and therefore we expect X5.4 to cover X6.4 for all tests.

Création de plans d’essai rentables

Dans le but de minimiser les coûts d’essai et de produit, les essais se font seulement sur le produit ayant le plus gros risque d’échec (« worst-case scenario ») et couverai la famille de produit. Par exemple, un siège simple serait le pire scénario pour des tests de stabilité, tandis qu’un siège à occupation multiple serait le pire pour des essais d’impact. Le plan d’essai du produit à risque plus élevé est établi en tenant compte de facteurs tels que la construction, la plus longue distance non-supporté, etc. Nos experts seront heureux de faire cette analyse GRATUITEMENT pour vous; cliquez ici pour nous contacter.

Autres méthodes d’essai qui pourraient vous intéresser :

Pour d’autres méthodes d’essais sur ameublement reliés, veuillez consulter; Essais BIFMA, BIFMA X5.1 ou BIFMA X5.4.