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The ASTM D3045 and ASTM F1980 tests now offered at Micom Laboratories

Micom Laboratories is pleased to announce that it now offers the ASTM D3045 and ASTM F1980 tests as part of its offering for polymer testing and medical devices testing. Although these two methods concern different domains of application, they are essentially the same method and can be interchanged in a transparent way.

Polymers are widely used in a broad range of domains where long-term service in hostile environments without any changes in performance is required. Examples of such applications would be gas pipelines, medical implants, chemical storage tanks, sterile barrier systems, and so on. However, one of the limiting factors in the usage of polymers is their tendency to become softer or brittle and thermally degrade due to high temperatures specific to end-use conditions. At hostile temperatures, a molecular scission of the components of the chain backbone of the polymer can occur. Those components can react with one another and, in this way, change the mechanical and optical properties of the material.

ASTM D3045 and ASTM F1980 tests

Both ASTM D3045 and ASTM F1980 use oven aging exposure to simulate conditions the product may be subjected to in its lifetime but on an accelerated basis. The heat of the oven reacts with the chemical components of the material. By doing so, it is possible to evaluate the ability of different polymers to resist to various aging mechanisms, or in other words, their stability, when exposed to hot air, such as oxidation. The latter is related to a chain oxidation reaction of the plastic accompanied by the formation and decomposition of hydroperoxides. Other mechanism of aging include photo degradation (light) and weathering (UV light).

Heat aging testing is based on the fact that any chemical reaction will double its speed with each 10 °C increase. It is governed by Arrhenius’ law. However, beyond a certain temperature point, high levels of activation energy will cause molecules in the tested material to respond and cause chemical reactions to take place that would not naturally occur even over long periods of time or extremely adverse conditions.

Heat aging manifests itself in various ways, whether it is by the loss of volatiles such as moisture, solvents or plasticizers. This loss can usually provoke shrinkage.  Heat aging can also induce some change in color of the plastic or coloring agent. Not every polymer will react the same way and degradation is in fact inevitable. Indeed, degradation during service life results in a steady decline in polymer properties. Nonetheless, this artificial aging method provides the producers a better understanding of their product’s reaction to time and use, which is crucial to make relevant modifications. Furthermore, stability testing is a way to determine if specific polymers are chemically stable enough to retain their mechanical properties within a given time span. In the case of sterile barrier system for medical devices, their stability is crucial so that their integrity and microbial properties, and therefore their sterility, are preserved over their stated lifespan.

Micom offers polymer testing services for a wide selection of material and products. For more information about the ASTM D4329 test, we invite you to contact our material testing laboratory today. It will be our pleasure to answer your questions about ASTM D3045 and ASTM F1980 tests.

Micom Laboratories is a third party industrial material testing laboratory accredited by the Standards Council of Canada, CGSB, ISTA and many other organizations.


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Michel Comtois

Michel Comtois

Michel Comtois is an accomplished founder and CEO of Micom Laboratories Inc., an ISO/IEC 17025 (2017) A2LA-accredited independent laboratory specializing in product and material testing services. Before establishing Micom Laboratories in 1999, Michel, who also holds a Master’s degree in Physical Chemistry, gained extensive experience over a 14-year tenure managing departments spanning physical chemistry, physics, mechanical and material testing in research and contract laboratories. This exposure granted him a profound understanding of the intricacies of development and material testing processes.

In addition to his practical experience, Michel has played influential roles on various voluntary technical committees. He notably, served as the chairperson for CAN/CGSB 44.227 and the Head of the Canadian Delegation for ISO TC 136. He also contributed to the following technical committees: CAN/CGSB 44.229, CAN/CGSB 44.232, ANSI/BIFMA X5.1, ANSI/BIFMA X5.5, ANSI/BIFMA X5.6, ANSI/BIFMA X 5.9 ANSI/BIFMA X5.11, ISTA Certification Council.

Leveraging his unique expertise, he has led Micom Laboratories to become a renowned name in its niche, now operating out of a 16,000-square-foot test facility in Montreal, Canada, and serving a diverse customer base with an array of material and product testing services. Follow Michel on LinkedIn

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