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BIFMA X5.4 Association Ballot

BIFMA has been reviewing its ANSI/BIFMA X5.4-2012 – Lounge and Public Seating – Tests Standard.  BIFMA’s released the new version of the standard, ANSI/BIFMA X5.4-2020 – Public and Lounge Seating, on May 14th.  The most salient change of this new edition…

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BIFMA X5.5 Association Ballot

BIFMA has recently been reviewing its ANSI/BIFMA X5.5 standard – Desk / Table Products.  The current version of the standard was published in 2014.  BIFMA recently closed its association ballot based on the draft published in February 2020.  Please find…

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A new edition for BIFMA HCF8.1

BIFMA recently issued a new edition for BIFMA HCF8.1 – Health Care Furniture Design For Cleanability.  This is the third version of that standard.  Other that a few editorial changes and clarifications, the major technically significant changes were with section…

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BIFMA X5.9 Association Ballot

BIFMA has been reviewing its "ANSI/BIFMA X5.9-2012 – Storage Units – Tests" Standards.  BIFMA’s review process hit a new yardstick last Friday as it was the closing date for the association ballot on the standard draft.  You will find below…

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New BIFMA X5.6 Standard

Micom Laboratories is happy to inform you that BIFMA released last week its most recent version of BIFMA X5.6 – Panel Systems.  This standard is part of the mechanical test for office furniture from BIFMA: BIFMA X5.1: Office seating BIFMA…

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ANSI/BIFMA X5.6 – New Edition

A new version of ANSI/BIFMA X5.6 - Panel Systems – tests – was released last week, on January 8th, by the Business Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association (BIFMA).  This standard is a new edition that replaces the 2010 version.  As its…

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