UV Testing Guide eBook
We are pleased to present our latest UV Testing Guide eBook
Over the years we received many inquiries about UV Testing and we noticed that our clients often had similar questions regarding to the best practices and associated UV Tests. We created the UV Testing Guide eBook to educate manufacturers about how to test for potential adverse UV light effects on their products.

Why is UV Testing Important?
Consumer and industrial products include numerous materials that respond differently to natural sun light. UV Testing enables manufacturers to better understand and predict how their products will react to different light exposure (crack, fade, deteriorate, etc). In addition, accelerated aging helps to better predict the overall life-span of a product under different simulated atmospheric environments.
What is included in the Practical Guide to UV Testing?
- What is accelerated aging?
- What are the basic rules of accelerated aging (temperature, dark cycles, water)?
- What is UV Exposure and Sunlight?
- What are solar exposure variations?
- What is the chemistry of the environment?
- Why is UV Testing important?
- How is UV Testing done in a laboratory?
- What is Carbon Arc?
- What is Xenon Arc?
- What is a time compression factor?
- What are the experimental parameters to specify when doing Xenon Arc testing?
- What is a fluorescent light exposure?
- The difference between ASTM G155 and ASTM G154 tests and when to use them?
- How to prepare a UV test plan?
- What is UV aging and quality control?
- When to retest a UV Test on a product?
- What is Xenon Arc UV Aging?
- Additional Test Methods, Practices and Specifications
- Fluorescent UV light exposure test methods
How to get your free copy of the UV Testing Guide eBook?
To get your free PDF copy of the Practical Guide to UV Testing, simply fill the form below.
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If you have any other question about UV Testing, ASTM Testing or Accelerated Aging in general we invite you to contact us today. On of our testing professionals at Micom Laboratories will be happy to answer your questions about material testing. It will be our pleasure to talk to you and help you with your UV Testing requirements.